
Passing Notes

Passing Notes brought together Year 4 pupils from Osmani Primary School in Whitechapel and older adults from John Sinclair Court

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Passing Notes brought together Year 4 pupils from Osmani Primary School in Whitechapel and older adults from John Sinclair Court, an extra care scheme.

Working with photographer Liane Harris and composer Verity Standen over ten weeks, the group used sound and image to create collage portraits of residents, group portraits and sound recordings to accompany visual artworks.

The pieces were exhibited together at Whitechapel Ideas Store in March 2018.

Listen to ‘This is Marguerite’ soundfile here

Listen to ‘Joe’s Life’ soundfile here

Listen to the ‘Introducing Us – Portrait Collages here
Listen to ‘Margaret’s Memories’ here

Listen to ‘Group Portrait’ soundfile here

Listen to ‘John’s Favourite Things’ soundfile here

This project was funded by London Borough of Tower Hamlets, Co-Op Community Fund and Lucas Tooth Trust