Our Vision

“A world without ageism, where everyone can enjoy their unique creativity and full potential”
“To inspire change – for individuals, communities and systems – through extraordinary art, sparking magic between generations” 

In an increasingly polarised world, Magic Me exists to bring the generations together as equals through the arts to build more integrated and resilient communities. Working with the oldest and youngest generations, our creative projects reflect the changing demography of London and the country, linking people different in age and diverse in ethnicity, culture and faith. 

We use the arts to stimulate dialogue and exchange ideas across generations, with projects designed and guided by Magic Me’s Intergenerational Principles 

Often linking unlikely partners, we offer younger and older people the opportunity to work alongside leading artists, across all art forms, to create work that fosters understanding and breaks down barriers.

Activities are co-designed with partners so that projects grow out of current concerns, interests and issues in a particular community. Through this process, artists and participants create events, workshops, artworks and performances with the power to reach a far wider audience, shaping how we think about ageing and growing older within today’s society. 

We are based in Tower Hamlets, East London, and are extending our work into new areas in outer Waltham Forest and Essex.