
The After Party: Postcards

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Artist Mia Harris invites you to explore gestures of invitation by making a postcard for someone that you’re missing at the moment.

How to:

  • Step 1 – Rip out a picture from a newspaper or magazine that you like, and glue / tape it to a blank piece of paper / card. Draw postcard lines on the right side as shown in image. (Alternatively) you can also use Mia’s pre-made postcards:
    -download this PDF: AfterParty_PostcardTemplates_Mia
    -download  this zip file: PostcardTemplates_AfterParty_Mia.
    -right clicking and saving the blank After Party Postcard below!
    Choose one that you like, to print out (cutting out the postcard shape and folding over) or open on your computer with a simple software (such as paint.)
  • Step 2 – Write a message, or do a drawing to a friend/family member that you have not seen for a while, and miss during lockdown.
  • Step 3 – Include the web address on your postcard: and #TheAfterParty hashtag.
  • Step 4 – Take 2 photos of yourself holding the postcard, one showing picture side, and one showing the message side.
    (Alternatively) If you’re editing on your computer why not include a pic of yourself?
  • Step 5 – Email photos / files of your postcard to, and if you like, share on your personal Twitter, Instagram or Facebook, tagging Magic Me with hashtag #TheAfterParty!

You can download these instructions as a printable pdf here.

What happens next…

  • View your postcard in our gallery below, and on our social media channels:TwitterFacebook and Instagram.
  • Care home residents and staff will be invited to make their own postcards – and we’ll share their responses too!
  • Any postcards addressed to care home residents will be shared with them via a link to this online gallery, with physical copies included in our physical ‘care package’ sent out to them at the end of each month.

We look forward to receiving your postcards.
send to: or share on social media tagging Magic Me and using the hashtag #TheAfterParty.