What if you could be an Emerging Artist at any age?


What if you could be an emerging artist at any age?

This is the question that Susan Langford, our Director, put to delegates at the Age of Creativity Festival on 2nd May in Manchester. Susan’s talk was one of the keynote provocations at the sold out conference attended by a wide range of delegates from the cultural and care sectors.

The full talk with slides can be viewed via the video above with thanks to Age of Creativity and Age UK for the creation of the video and to Holly Falconer, Liane Harris, Roxene Anderson, Eduardo de Olivera, Chuck Blue Lowry for the photographs.

A pdf version is available here

If the questions Susan poses prompt responses in you please feel free to share them with us – just email to deborahmason@magicme.co.uk or share on social media with @MagicMeArts or hashtag #MMWhatIf