Activity resources featured below are free to download and print.
We would love to see your artworks. Share with us via email at or share on social media @magicmearts on Instagram / @MagicMeArts on twitter or via our Facebook page
Thinking about a different generation
Activities from the View From Here, designed by artists Polly Beestone, Chuck Blue-Lowry, Ben Connors, Mia Harris and Amanda Mascarenhas
The following activities allow both younger and older people to reflect on their individual experiences during the pandemic as well as think about a different generation.
Activity 1 – All About You
Download instructions for younger people here Download instructions for older people here
Activity 2 – Creating a ‘character’
Download instructions for younger people here Download instructions for older people here Create a newspaper character instructions
Activity 3 – Thinking about past, present and future
Download instructions for Activity 3 here
How does the Earth feel?
Activities part of Generation Rebellion, designed by artists Sue Mayo and Elsa James
The following activities allow both younger and older people to creatively explore the climate emergency.
Download a printable activity pack here
Create a pop-up garden
Activities part of WE BLOOM, designed by artists Jo Scholar, Irene Pulga and Grace White.
The following activities and templates can be used to make a summery display both indoors (communal areas, resident’s rooms, windows) or outdoors (garden spaces, on your fence or gate).
All activities:
Individual activities:
Plant tag activity Bugs from plastic bottles Flowers from plastic bottles Origami bugs Paper flowers and insects
The After Party
Activities part Cocktails in Care Homes, designed by artists Chuck Blue Lowry, Mia Harris, Shepherd Manyika and Kathy Horok-Hallett
Create a postcard to send to someone you are missing at the moment – or just for fun!
Instructions for this activity
Or you can use ready made postcards created by artist Mia here
Colour Mood Scene
Make a colour mood scene in the corner of your room, take a photo and share with your friends and family
Instructions for this activity
Dream Dinner Party
Imagine a dream dinner party – who would you invite, where would you hold it, what would you eat?
Instructions for this activity Invite template in word Invite template as a printable pdf
Simple Acts
Activities part of Arts & Ages, designed by artists Lehni Lamide Davies and Liane Harris
The following activities have been designed as an interactive two player game which can be facilitated with both older and younger people.
Download a printable pdf here