A view from friends and carers


Our Communications Manager, Deborah, spoke to people at the Meet The Street event in June 2019 to find out their thoughts about the Quality Street Project. Here she talks to Al, sister of Pam one of the older participants who lives in sheltered housing and to Ali a support worker for one of the older participants.

Al: “So, one of the things I noticed was that it was a project that was an activity for Pam to do and gets her out. She lives alone, so that was a really nice thing, you know, and she always seemed to come back and look forward to Wednesdays, and if this hadn’t of been happening, probably she would have been at home by herself.”

Ali: “We’ve been doing activities with the children, adults, and it was very, very good fun. We’ve really enjoyed it as you can see, some of my residents they’ve improved. When it comes to activities, they really benefit from them. It was fantastic. As you can see, every Wednesday, when we come for this project, they are happy, they are ready to come out and work with the children, it was very nice. Because I’m studying to become a qualified teacher, I also gain a lot during the project. I’m taking things away from this to college, I can cross-reference what I’ve seen and learnt. There was a consistent feeling of inclusiveness.”

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Photo above by Samia Meah